www.offshore-wind.de - die Plattform für Offshore-Windenergie powered by dena

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Welcome to www.offshore-wind.de.

You will find a lot of valuable and interesting information about offshore wind energy on our pages. The Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) will be regularly compiling data and updating these pages for you.

20 wind turbines, each 20 megawatt, producing around 5% of the energy needed by the Danish capital Kopenhagen, (c)Paul Langrock/Zenit/GreenpeaceElectrical power from offshore wind farms can and should make an important contribution to future energy and climate policies in Germany. Average wind forces at sea are high enough to promise an enormous potential in energy. Modern wind power technology, now so reliable and cost-effective on land, will enable us to exploit this potential.

Stormy development of offshore wind energy raises many questions

Happily, the development of offshore wind energy in Germany is going through a very dynamic phase right now. Interested businesses have already applied for a number of licences to build and operate large offshore wind farms, mostly within Germany's exclusive economic zone (Explanation ofEEZ).

But many problems remain unsolved. Marine areas suitable for wind farms must be relatively distant from the coast to respect the immense importance of nature reserves. The extensive use of the North Sea by shipping, fisheries and the German Navy further limit the available options. Planners, grid operators and government authorities also face new challenges in connecting offshore wind farms to the power grid network. Not least, the legal situation is complex because the federal and state governments have different areas of responsibility regarding the licensing of wind farms and cables.

nach oben

 More Links

>Offshore Strategy of the Federal Government (PDF)

>Env. Ministry Positioning Paper
The Offshore Strategy of the Federal Government is based on this report
- Report (PDF)
- North Sea map (PDF)
- Baltic Sea map (PDF)

> Env. Ministry Wind Energy Report (PDF)
Report "Weiterer Ausbau der Windenergienutzung in Hinblick auf den Klimaschutz" (Further Expansion of Wind Energy in the Context of Climate Protection Policy)

>BMU: Renewable Energy
Information on Renewables on the site of the Federal Environmental Ministry

The homepage of the Federal Ministry for Environment

The homepage of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs

>Coastal states
Offshore conference of the länder- request to German Energy Agency to facilitate offshore process

Ministry of Finances and Energy of Schleswig-Holstein

Environmental Ministry of Lower-Saxony

Environmental Ministry of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie - BSH)


nach oben

change to english language Diese Seite
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Homepage of the German Energy Agency

>Renewable energy
Information on renewables on the site of the Federal Environmental Ministry

>Thema Energie
dena-site with information on energy issues

>more Links...


The Exclusive Economic Zone is defined as the maritime zone seaward of the 12 nm limit of the territorial sea. The federal government is responsible for approval of installations and for nature protection regulation in this area.