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Wind parks in the North Sea



North Sea: Wind parks in operation

Project name Developer EEZ/ 12 nm zone Size, first construction phase/ planned final capacity [number of turbines] Turbine capacity [MW] Total capacity [MW] Distance to coast [km] Water depth [m] Grid connection, Federal state
Alpha Ventus (Offshore-
Testfeld "Borkum West")
DOTI GmbH & Co. KG EEZ 12/208 3,5 - 5 60/1040 45 30 Lower Saxony (Emden/ Borkum)
ENOVA Offshore Ems-Emden Enova GmbH 12 nm zone 1/1 4,5 4,5 < 10 m 3 Lower Saxony
Hooksiel Bard Engineering 12 nm zone 1/1 5 5 400 m 5 Lower Saxony

North Sea: Approved wind parks (First construction phase)

Project name Developer EEZ/ 12 nm zone Size, first construction phase/ planned final capacity [number of turbines] Capacity of one turbine [MW] Total capacity [MW] Distance to coast [km] Water depth [m] Grid connection, Federal state
Amrumbank West Amrumbank West GmbH; EON EEZ 80/80 3,5 - 5 bis 400 36 20 - 25 SH (Bruns
BARD Offshore 1 Bard Engineering GmbH EEZ 80/320 5 400/1600 89 39 - 41 Lower Saxony
Borkum Riffgrund I PNE2 Riff I EEZ 77/180 3 231 34 23 - 29 Lower Saxony
Borkum Riffgrund West Energie-
kontor AG
EEZ 80/458 3,5 280 50 29 - 33 Lower Saxony
Borkum West II PROKON Nord
systeme GmbH
EEZ 80 5 400 52 29 - 33 N/S
Offshore- Bürger- windpark Butendiek Airtricity; Offshore- Bürger- Windpark Butendiek Gmbh & Co. KG Husum EEZ 80/80 4 - 5 388 37 ca. 20 SH
(Jadelund, Raum Flensburg)
Dan Tysk Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH EEZ 80/300 3,6 288/1500 70 21 - 33 SH
Delta Nordsee I Offshore-Windpark Delta Nordsee GmbH, EON EEZ 80 5 400 39 29 - 35 NI
(Emden/ Wilhelms- haven)
Delta Nordsee II Enova Offshore Projektentw. GmbH & Co. KG EEZ 32 6 192 40 29 - 33 N/S
Deutsche Bucht BARD Engineering EEZ 42 6,5 273 87 ca. 40 N/S
EnBW He Dreiht EOS Offshore AG (innoVent, wpd) EEZ 80/80 3,6 - 5 288 - 400 85 39 N/S
EnBW Hohe See EOS Offshore AG (innoVent, wpd) EEZ 80/508 5 400/2540 90 26 - 39 Lower Saxony
Global Tech I Wetfeet GmbH (Stadtwerke München, HSE) EEZ 80/320 5 400/1600 93 39 - 41 Lower Saxony (Emden/ Borkum)
Gode Wind I PNE WIND AG EEZ 80/224 5 400/1120 45 26 - 35 Lower Saxony
Gode Wind II PNE WIND AG EEZ 80 3 - 5 240 - 400 33 26 - 35 N/S
Innogy Nordsee Ost RWE Innogy Windpower Hannover GmbH EEZ 80/250 4 - 5 400/1250 30 22 SH
Meerwind Windland Energie- erzeugungs GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 23 23 - 26 SH (Bruns-
MEG Offshore I Prokon Nord, Nordsee MEG Offshore 1 GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 45 27 - 33 N/S
Offshore- Windpark Nordergründe Energie-
kontor AG
12 sm-Zone 25/25 5 125 13 2 - 18 Lower Saxony
Nördlicher Grund renergys GmbH EEZ 64 5 320 84 25 SH (Bruns
Sandbank 24 Projekt GmbH, Projekt Ökovest EEZ 80 5 400 90 30 SH (Bruns-
Veja Mate BARD Engineering, Cuxhaven Steel Construktion GmbH EEZ 80 5 - 7 400 90 - 129 39 - 41 N/S

North Sea: Windparks in approval process

Project name Developer EEZ/ 12 nm zone Size, first construction stage/ planned final capacity [number of turbines] Capacity of one turbine [MW] Total capacity [MW] Distance to coast [km] Water depth [m] Grid connection, Federal state
Aiolos Eos Offshore Aiolos GmbH EEZ 80 N/S N/S 48 sm 39 N/S
Albatros LCO Nature
EEZ 80 5 400 ca. 75 N/S N/S
Aquamarin BARD Emden Eney GmbH & Co. KG EEZ 80 N/S N/S 83 38 N/S
AreaC I Airtricity Germany Developments GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 66 36 - 41 N/S
AreaC II Airtricity Germany Developments GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 66 37 N/S
AreaC III Airtricity Germany Developments GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 66 37 N/S
Offshore Windpark "Austern-
Global Wind
Support GmbH
EEZ 80 5 400 87 40 Ölkraftwerk Eemshaven
Bernstein BARD Building Management GmbH EEZ 80 N/S N/S 108 41 N/S
BightPower I Airtricity Germany Developments GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 74 37 N/S
BightPower II Airtricity Germany Developments GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 74 37 N/S
Borkum Riffgat Enova Energie-
anlagen GmbH
12 sm-Zone 44 6 264 14,5 18 - 23 Lower Saxony (Diele)
Borkum Riffgrund II DONG energy / Dänemark EEZ 77 3 - 5 900 N/S N/S Diele/ Landkreis Leer
Borkum Riffgrund West II Energiekontor AG EEZ 80 5 400 52 29 - 33 N/S
Citrin BARD Services GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 111 41 N/S
Diamant BARD Schiffsbetrieb GmbH & Co. Nathalie KG EEZ 80 5 400 111 41 N/S
GAIA I - V Northern Energy GAIA I - V GmbH EEZ each 80 5 each 400 110 - 135 39 - 45 N/S
Gannet OWP Gannet GmbH i.G. AWZ 80 5 400      
GlobalTech II Northern Energy GlobalTech II GmbH EEZ 76 5 400 70 37 - 39 N/S
GlobalTech III Northern Energy GlobalTech III GmbH EEZ 21 5 105 70 37 - 39 N/S
H2-20 Gesellschaft für
Energie und Ökologie mbH
(GEO mbH)
EEZ 80 5 400 > 200 30 - 60 H2-Speicher
He dreiht II EOS Offshore AG EEZ 28 N/S N/S 46 sm 39 N/S
Heron OWP Heron GmbH i.G. AWZ 80 5 400      
Hochsee Testfeld Helgoland k.A. EEZ 19 3 / 6 - 7 ca. 80 ca. 35 24 N/S
Horizont I Germany Mainstream Renewable Power Developments EEZ 65 5 325 125 39 - 42 N/S
Horizont II Germany Mainstream Renewable Power Developments EEZ 76 5 380 121 39 - 42 N/S
Horizont III Germany Mainstream Renewable Power Developments EEZ 71 5 335 131 39 - 42 N/S
Innogy Nordsee I RWE Innogy EEZ 150 - 180 5 - 6 900 - 1080 46 26 - 34 Lower Saxony
Kaikas Eos Offshore Kaikas GmbH EEZ 110 N/S 660 48 sm 39 N/S
Kaskasi RWE Innogy Windpower Hannover GmbH EEZ 40 3 - 8 120 - 320/ total 875 ca. 35 N/S N/S
Meerwind West WindMW GmbH EEZ 50/161 5 250/805 30 25 - 39 N/S
Nordpassage Vattenfall Europe New Energy GmbH EEZ 80 N/S 480 - 560 75 24 - 34 N/S
Notos Eos Offshore Notos i. Gr. EEZ 33 N/S N/S 48 sm 39 N/S
OWP West LCO Nature GmbH EEZ 80 N/S N/S 40 29 - 33 N/S
Petrel OWP Petrel GmbH i.G. AWZ 80 5 400      
Sandbank 24 ext. Sandbank Power
GmbH & Co. KG
EEZ 80 N/S N/S 90 25 - 34 N/S
Seagull OWP Seagull GmbH i.G. AWZ 80 5 400      
Sea Storm Nordsee Windpower GmbH & Co. KG EEZ 80 5 400 110 41 N/S
Sea Storm II Northern Energy SeaStorm II GmbH i.Grdg. EEZ 38 5 190 110 41 N/S
Sea Wind I Nordsee Windpower GmbH & Co. KG EEZ 80 5 400 90 39 N/S
Sea Wind II Nordsee Windpower GmbH & Co. KG EEZ 60 5 300 90 39 N/S
Sea Wind III Northern Energy SeaWind III GmbH i.Grdg. EEZ 80 5 400 110 41 N/S
Sea Wind IV Northern Energy SeaWind IV GmbH i.Grdg. EEZ 80 5 400 110 41 - 42 N/S
Skua OPG Projekt GmbH EEZ 80 5 400 85 38 N/S
VentoTec Nord I Arcadis Consult GmbH EEZ 50/200 3 600 132 41 N/S
VentoTec Nord II Arcadis Consult GmbH EEZ 50/200 3 600 104 41 N/S
Weiße Bank Energiekontor - EK - GmbH EEZ 80/170 3,5 595 83 N/S WHV od. Brunsbüttel
Witte Bank Projekt Ökovest GmbH EEZ 118 5 590 120 45 - 48 N/S

Wind parks in the Baltic Sea

Baltic Sea: Wind parks in operation

Project name Developer EEZ/ 12 nm zone Size, first construction phase/ planned final capacity [number of turbines] Capacity of one turbine [MW] Total capacity [MW] Distance to coast [km] Water depth [m] Grid connection, Federal state
EnBW Windpark Baltic 1 EnBW Erneuerbare Energien GmbH, (Vattenfall grid connection) 12 nm zone 21 2,3 48,3 15 15 - 19 MV (Bentwisch near Rostock)
Rostock Nordex AG 12 nm zone 1/1 2,5 2,5 0,5 2 MV

Baltic Sea: Approved wind parks (First construction phase)

Project name Developer EEZ/ 12 nm zone Size, first construction phase/ planned final capacity [number of turbines] Capacity of one turbine [MW] Total capacity [MW] Distance to coast [km] Water depth [m] Grid connection, Federal state
Arkona Becken Südost AWE- Arkona- Windpark- Ent-
wicklungs GmbH
EEZ 80/201 4 - 5 1005 35 21 - 38 MV
GEOFReE GEO 12 nm zone 5 5 25 > 20 20 SH
EnBW Windpark Baltic 2 EnBW Baltic 1 GmbH & Co. KG EEZ 80/80 3,6 288 31 20 - 35 MV (Bentwisch / Rostock über BalticI)
Ventotec Ost 2 Arcadis Consult GmbH EEZ 80/200 3 600 104 21 - 34 MV

Baltic Sea: Windparks at an advanced stage in the approval process

Project name Developer EEZ/ 12 sm zone Size, first construction phase/ planned final capacity [number of turbines] Capacity of one turbine [MW] Total capacity [MW] Distance to coast [km] Water depth [m] Grid connection, Federal state
Adlergrund GAP BEC Energie Consult GmbH EEZ 31 5 155 41 29 - 36 MV (Lubmin
Adlergrund Nordkap BEC - Energie Consult GmbH EEZ 31 3,6 - 5 111,6 - 155 36 36 - 41 N/S
Arcadis Ost 1 Arcadis Consult GmbH 12 sm-Zone 70 5 350 17 41 - 46 MV (Stralsund)
Arcadis Ost 2 GICON GmbH Rostock EEZ 25 3 - 5 66 - 110 39 29 - 36 MV (Lubmin)
ArconaSee Süd ArconaSee Süd GmbH EEZ 80 N/S N/S 22 N/S N/S
BalticEagle Airtricity Germany Developments GmbH, Hamburg EEZ 80 6 480 30 41 - 44 N/S
Beltsee PNE WIND AG EEZ 25/59 - 83 3 - 5 415 9 25 - 36 N/S
Beta Baltic Offshore Windpark Beta Baltic GmbH 12 sm-Zone 50 2 - 3 150 13 21 MV