Sie sind hier: Home > Events > Archive 2009
Location: Bremen, Germany; Organizer: VGB Power Tech e.V.
Further informationen and registration 305 KB
Location: Aberdeen; Organizer: Scottish Renewables Forum
Location: Oldenburg; Organizer: German Federal Ministry for the Environment
Further information , program
and registration
Location: Beijin, China; Organizer: Wind Power China
Further information
Location: Liverpool, Großbritannien; Organizer: British Wind Energy Association (BWEA)
Further informationen , programme
and registration
Location: Bremen; Organizer: energynautics
Further information 1.0 MB
Location: Munich; Organizer: munich expo
Further information and registration
Location: Kiel; Organizer: VFTT e.V.
Further information and registration 75 KB
Location: Kassel; Organizer: ISET
Further information , flyer 150 KB
and registration
Location: Toronto, Kanada; Organizer: CanWEA
Further information
Location: Stockholm, Schweden; Organizer:
Further information
Location: Bornholm, Denmark; Organizer: Danish Wind Industry Association
Further information
Location: Rostock, Germany; Organizer:
Further information , programm (in short) 240 KB
und program (in long) 516 KB
Location: Westminster, UK; Organizer: BWEA
Further information , programme
and registration
Location: Aalborg, Denmark; Organizer: Acoustics Department at Aalborg University
Further information
Location: Bremerhaven; Organizer: Windenergie-Agentur Bremerhaven/Bremen e.V. (wab)
Further information
Location: global; Organizer:
Further information: Germany and Europe
Location: Washington, D.C., USA; Organizer: Electricity Storage Association ESA
Further informationen , agenda 39 KB
and registration
Location: Aberdeen, Schottland; Organizer:
Further information and registration
Location: Chicago, USA; Organizer:
Further information 1.4 MB and registration
Location: Husum; Organizer: windcomm schleswig-holstein
Further information , flyer 1.4 MB
and programm 45 KB
Location: Shanghai New International Expo Center; Organizer: China International Wind Energy Exhibition (CWEE)
Detailed information
Location: Hamburg; Organizer:
Further Information 115 KB
Location: Wilhelmshaven, Germany; Organizer: German Federal Ministry for the Environment
Science for Nature Conservation and Management - The Wadden Sea ecosystem and the EU Directives
Further information
Location: Berlin; Organizer: Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)
Further information and registration
Location: Rostock; Organizer: BMWi
Further information
Location: Frankfurt; Organizer: Advantage West Midlands (Bridge-to-Growth)
Agenda 130 KB , flyer 216 KB
and registration
Location: Marseille, France; Organizer: ewec
Further information
Further information
Location: Marseille, France; Organizer: ewec
Further information 79 KB
Location: Marseille, France; Organizer:
Press release 80 KB , and detailed information
Location: Husum; Organizer:
Further information and registration
Location: Düsseldorf; Organizer: VGB Power Tech e.V.
Further information and registration 402 KB
Location: Hannover, Germany; Organizer: VWEW
Further information and registration 117 KB
Location: Essen; Organizer: Haus der Technik e.V.
Further information 2.0 MB
Location: Brussels; Organizer:
Further information 166 KB
Location: Essen; Organizer: Messe Essen GmbH
Further information and registration
Location: Istanbul, Turkey; Organizer: EastEuro Link Ltd
Registration and further information
Location: Hamburg; Organizer: Germanischer Lloyd
Further information and registration 1.9 MB
Location: Bremen; Organizer:
further information 234 KB and registration 121 KB