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Wind energy & birds

The possible negative effect of wind turbines on birds was an issue for a long time and has cropped up again in recent years in connection with offshore wind. There were concerns and some predictions that turbines would have a significant or possibly even a seriously destructive effect on birds, but this was clearly proven false on land.

Some bird species do change their behaviour, indicating that turbines have a certain "scarecrow effect". After a wind farm is built, some species keep their distance during the brooding season or when they are searching for food. After a time, however, they get used to the turbine, as other wild animals are seen to do, so that behavioural changes nearly always disappear.

Migratory birds fly around or over turbines, so there is no significant danger to them. At present, there are no comprehensive research findings on the influence of offshore wind turbines on birds. However, initial reports from offshore projects in other countries indicate that the situation is similar to what happens on land. Birds looking for a place to rest keep their distance temporarily; migratory birds fly around the facilities.


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