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Added Value

The development of offshore wind energy brings new growth for the entire German economy. Not only the producer of offshore wind turbines and operator of offshore wind farms benefit, but also the supply and cable industry and the shipyards open new markets. The development of regarding infrastructure and the creation of new jobs is an advantage especially for the less developed coastal states.


Ports will take a central position in the development of offshore wind energy, as all components will pass ports, naturally. Given the fact that the overland transport for such as 50 m long rotor blades, or some 100 tons nacelles are already stretched to its limits, the importance of inland waters and inland ports will also grow. More information on ports.

Labour Market

By 2030, the investment that can derived from the Offshore Strategy by the German Federal Government will amount to more than 75 billion Euro. In particular, this capital should be invested in offshore wind farms (OWF) and grid connections, in sectors of the marine installations and service industries as well as in port infrastructure. This is particularly relevant for the related labour market. More information on labour market


In principle, no negative consequences are expected for existing industries such as tourism, because the coastal scenery is not changed. That the upturn is in accordance with the tourism shows the dialog with regarding associations. (Dieser Satz geht so nicht wirklich – ich lass den mal von meinem persönlichen Übersetzer querchecken.)More information on the effects of offshore wind energy to tourism.


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